We want to thank everyone for their applications, unfortunately we could not select you all. Congratulations to our winners Costaki Skevofilax from Austin, TX, Joseph Bahhadi from Calgary, AB, and George Sofikitis from West Palm Beach, FL! Congratulations on your academic ventures and good luck in your future!
First Prize: AHEPA Housing Award
Congratulations to Costaki Skevofilax from Philotimo of Austin Chapter #336 in Austin, Texas! He is attending the University of Texas to receive a Bachelor of Engineering in Computational Engineering and a minor in Elements of Computer Programming!
Second Prize: Supreme President Award
Congratulations to Joseph Bahhadi from Marathon Chapter #CJ09 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada! He recently attained a Bachelor of Music Performance and is attending the University of Calgary to receive a Masters of Science in Community Health Sciences specializing in Populations and Public Health!
Third Prize: Supreme Lodge Award
Congratulations to George Sofikitis from West Palm Beach, Florida! He is attending Embry–Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach to receive a Bachelors of Science in Aeronautical Science!
We also want to thank our sponsors and supporters AHEPA Housing and the 2020-2021 Sons of Pericles Supreme Lodge! We look forward to continuing this scholarship for many years to come!