Sons of Pericles membership is open to young Greek men or Philhellenes between the ages of 14 and 27 years old. Young men under the age of 18 can join the Order for free, and men 18 and older pay dues of $45 a year, which grants them dual membership in the Sons of Pericles and our parent organization, The Order of AHEPA.
Like any other organization, the Sons of Pericles has its own unique structure. It is modeled from the AHEPA structure. Locally, there are chapters. Chapters are usually located in connection with a city, a Greek Orthodox Church and an AHEPA Chapter. Each state or region has many chapters that are near each other, either by being in the same state or neighboring states. The United States, Canada, and Europe are divided into 28 different geographic regions, called Districts. The Districts are governed by an International body called the Supreme Lodge. The Supreme Lodge is directly elected by delegates at the Supreme Convention. They are responsible for ensuring the success of the fraternity throughout all Districts.
Members at Large
In areas where no Sons of Pericles chapter exists, interested young men are able to become members at large. Members at large are afforded the same privileges as chapter members, but are not eligible to vote at District or Supreme Conventions. If you are interested in joining the Sons of Pericles and there is no chapter in your immediate area, please contact the Supreme Lodge liaison officer for your district or SOP Headquarters for more information on your options.